Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Lumiappaday #130: Lumia Clock demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

I’ve had to rerecord something else for today’s Lumiappaday so this one’s a short demo of a very simple app.
It’s pretty much just a clock in funky Lumia stylings, the colours of which can be changed quite easily. The app looks neat for what it is, and better when the advert intermittently disappears. I do wish that the transition animation when selecting colours could be sped up (and more like the transition at homescreen if possible? Though this is not something you’d be changing often).
There’s a stopwatch function which is cool as the digits are all large and clear to see. There are more functional stop watches at marketplace but this was never meant for that.
(During the week, I have another clock app to review that’s quite a bit more functional). It would be dead awesome if the AMOLED capable Lumias somehow had sleeping screen with this (perhaps not with the seconds to save battery).

#130) Lumia Clock

Price: Free

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